Energetic Medicine Work / Extractions
Extraction Medicine - Spiritual blockages can cause problems within the body, be they physical, emotional or psychological and are a sure sign of power or soul loss. They can be picked up unintentionally in a variety of ways including direct confrontation. The removal of these blockages helps clear space for the return of soul essences. Immediately following this work a power animal will be retrieved in order to act as a protective and helping spirit.
Soul Retrievals
Soul Retrieval healing allows soul essences that have been lost during previous life traumas (accidents, grief, shock, abuse etc) to return to the body. It is a beautiful and gentle way of restoring balance in the body and is often likened to a feeling of coming home or feeling whole again. Soul retrievals nearly always require energetic medicine work or an extraction beforehand.
Eco Mapping or Healing in Nature
Eco Mapping or Healing in Nature is dependent on the 'more than human world, or beings'. It is a process whereby we take our problems, questions and concerns out into nature and work directly in the Middle World. There are a range of practises and techniques which accompany this work - and those most important are the ability to commune with nature with all our six senses. This relies on opening our hearts to the truths that are reflected back to us from 'becoming one with our earth.’ We work outside in fields and woodland close to my home.
Divination and Omen Readings
My practice with divination and omen readings revolve around a selection of ‘power-ful’ objects and the clients ‘interaction’ with those objects. You will divine your own answers or ‘meanings' using these objects with guidance from me.